When Broken Dreams are Mended

In his book, The Easy Yoke, author Doug Webster tells a story about a young, energetic and idealistic seminary student in Philadelphia.  His name was Ted, and he was studying to be a pastor.  In fact, he dreamed about being a pastor.  It’s all he’d wanted to be since seventh grade.  He was motivated.  He had energy.  He had enthusiasm.  His first seminary class was called “How … More When Broken Dreams are Mended

Fill the Lamps

In our Old Testament reading for today, Joshua, the son of Nun, the successor of Moses, the weary warrior, stands before the people of Shechem with a Word from the Lord.  He clears his throat, cups his hands, and says in a voice loud enough for all to hear, “Thus says the Lord, the God of … More Fill the Lamps

A Perfect 440

One Saturday morning, when I was probably about 10 years old, my dad said “Todd, today I’m going to teach you how to mow.”  My eyes bugged out; it was a terrifying sentence.   I didn’t mind the idea of mowing…but I was scared to death of the mower.  It was a beast…this big old Sears Craftsman… probably built … More A Perfect 440

Resurrection Moments

So, what did you expect when you woke up this morning?  What were your expectations for the day?  Because we all have expectations, right?  So you woke up on this Easter morning…what did you expect to see today? Maybe you expect to see family or friends who have traveled to be here…to celebrate together.  Maybe you expected to step outside this … More Resurrection Moments

God Notices

Some years ago, before the death of Mother Theresa, a television special depicted the grim human conditions that were a part of her daily life. It showed all the horror of the slums of Calcutta and her love for these destitute people. The producer interviewed her as she made her rounds visiting the people she … More God Notices