Drawn into Community

Pastor Amy Starr Redwine, a pastor in Richmond, Virginia, tells a story about a class she took while a student at the seminary.  The class was called: Confession and Forgiveness from a Pastoral Perspective.  Pastor Redwine wrote that the class was incredibly popular, and the 45 slots filled up as soon as registration opened. On the first … More Drawn into Community

Listening Well

I have spent these weeks in my sabbatical trying to listen well. I want to hear God. I want to hear the whispers of the Holy Spirit. I am looking for direction, and wisdom, and guidance. I want these things for our church, and for our family, and for my life. God speaks. I believe … More Listening Well

Cutting Away

This morning, I dropped our dog, Kennedy, off at the groomers for his “every 8 weeks” clean up session. When he came out, his har had been thinned out a bit (good for summer), he smelled much better, and he was sporting a stylish, new bandanna. After lunch, I went out into the back yard … More Cutting Away